What Does Passive Agreement Mean

Passive agreement is a term that is often used in legal circles to refer to an agreement that is reached by a party without any explicit action or intent. It is often used in contract law to refer to a situation where one party is deemed to have accepted the terms of a contract by not objecting to them.

Passive agreement can be contrasted with active agreement, which occurs when a party explicitly indicates their acceptance of the terms of a contract. This can be done through signing a contract, verbally agreeing to the terms, or through other means of explicit communication.

One important thing to note about passive agreement is that it is not always legally binding. In order for a contract to be enforceable, there must be a meeting of the minds between the parties involved. This means that both parties must have a clear understanding of the terms of the contract and agree to them.

In some cases, passive agreement can be used as evidence of a meeting of the minds. For example, if a party sends a contract to another party and does not receive any objection or response within a reasonable amount of time, the party may assume that the other party has passively agreed to the terms of the contract. However, this assumption may not always hold up in court if it can be shown that the other party did not have a clear understanding of the terms or did not intend to agree to them.

Another potential issue with passive agreement is that it can be difficult to prove. Unlike active agreement, which can be documented through signatures or other forms of explicit communication, passive agreement often relies on inferential evidence. This means that it can be open to interpretation and may be disputed in court.

Overall, passive agreement is an important concept to understand in contract law. While it can be a useful tool for reaching agreements, it is not always legally binding and can be difficult to prove. Anyone involved in contract negotiations should be sure to carefully consider the terms of any agreements and ensure that all parties have a clear understanding of what is being agreed to.